BudTouch VapePen E Liquid Vaporize Set
Regarding versatility, few vaporizers equal the BudTouch VapePen Slim, which can take standard e-liquids or is based on any type of oil cartridge. In addition, the 510 version will also accept all cartridges and attachments from the Open as well. This makes the BudTouch one highly adaptable to fit your needs.
The BudTouch VapePen also takes different-size cartridges that include, but are not limited to, the following;
- Herb oil
- E-liquid
- Slim herbal
- Other 510 slim cartridges
This means that your starter kit will offer what you need to get started and the ability to accept different types of cartridges designed for this particular size. This means that those who are new to vaping or those who want more versatility will enjoy the BudTouch VapePen Slim vaporizer and all of its features
1x 280mAh LCD battery
1x USB charger
1x Oil atomizer
1x 2x filling bottles
1x Owner’s Manual
Color options: black or white
Here, you have the starter kit that will provide many hours of vaping pleasure while offering the ability to change to different types of liquids to suit your needs.