EGO CE4 Starter Kit Review
One of the best-selling vape devices on the market today, the eGo CE4 starter kit is a small but well-designed product that has recently enjoyed considerable popularity, like the Ego 3-in-1 vape pen vaporizer. As a vaping device, it is small and compact but very well made, which is undoubtedly part of the reason it is enjoyed. As popular as it is, does it live up to its hype? The answer lies in what the starter kit provides and if the features offer consumers a durable, versatile product.
eGo CE4 Starter Kit Includes
This starter kit only includes what is needed to help operate this device.
- -CE4 Atomizer
- -eGo-C 650mAh Battery
- -USB Charger
Advantages of the EGO CE4 Vape Pen
This starter kit undoubtedly offers several advantages, thanks to eGo's emphasis on its vaping devices. Its compact size makes it a very discreet unit that can be easily hidden and used anytime.
- -Comes in Several Colors
- -Voltage Preset at 3.5V for Maximum Efficiency
- -Resistance Capability Set at 1.5O
- -Short Circuit Protection
Overall, the eGo CE4 vape pen lives up to the hype and exceeds it, thanks to the numerous features of such a compact unit. The overall design, sturdy construction, and well-considered features make this a remarkable vaping unit for those who want something simple, effective, and portable to meet their vaping needs.