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5 Tips for Properly Storing Your Vape Hardware

5 Tips for Properly Storing Your Vape Hardware

Vape Hardware

Many people love Vaping. To some, it is a hobby; to others, it is an excellent way to avoid harmful tobacco. Buying the finest quality e-liquids along with the latest hardware and other required accessories, cleaning it every day, and maintaining the setup – you follow all the steps to make your vaping experience successful. But all of you forget the vital part – storing the hardware aptly. Isn’t it?

Remember that storing the vape hardware accurately is as important as the other steps to enjoy vaping for a long time. Otherwise, the device will start to fall apart sooner than you think.

If you are new to this field, knowing the components of vaping hardware is crucial. It contains a battery, e-liquids, tank, coil, wick, and charger. The tanks are of three types – atomizer, cartomizer, and clearomizer.

Without beating around the bush, let’s check out the five tips you should follow to store vape hardware properly.

vape hardwear

1. Keeping the hardware Indoors and in a Secure place

After each use, ensure you bring the vape hardware, including vape cartridges, within the house or office. Forgetting it outdoors means letting it be affected by the ever-changing weather. The vaping device can be damaged very severely by

  • A sudden drop or rise in the temperature
  • Increasing or decreasing the level of moisture in the air
  • Heavy wind or rain
  • Direct sunlight

Besides keeping the device indoors, you must place them in a secure place where it does not get dirty. Dirt can damage the internal parts of the vaping device. Avoid putting them on an unsteady surface or bedside stand from where they might fall.

2. Carefully Putting the Batteries 

The batteries used in the vaping device are substantial as they are made of lithium-ion and obtainable in various sizes and shapes. However, considering them as durable is a crime. 

Dirt and interaction with metals like keys or coins lead to damage, like the batteries can lose their charges or connections to the vaping device. In extreme cases, an explosion can also take place. Thus, keeping the extra batteries within the case when you do not use them is wise.

Also, keep the batteries in a place where the temperature varies from 50-115 degrees Fahrenheit. Both the lower and higher temperatures are harmful to them.

While storing the batteries, be attentive enough not to mix and match them, especially if you have two vaporizers. Though they might appear similar, the voltage output can differ, affecting the batteries.

3. Storing the Vape Device far from Moisture and Heat

Are you keeping the vaporizer near the stove or vent where it can get direct heat? Is it your habit to leave the vape device in the washroom or near the sink in the kitchenette? If yes, then you are making a blunder! Moisture and heat can spoil the vaporizer circuit, leaving it damaged.

4. Unplugging the Charger after Each Use Is Mandatory

If unplugging the charger every time seems funny, you should take it seriously! Vape batteries need a maximum of 4 hours to charge thoroughly. After that, switch off the button and unplug the charger. 

No auto on-off buttons are there in the chargers. As long as you will keep them plugged in, they will keep running. Thus, its functionality will reduce after a while, and it will be out of service much before it should. Besides that, constant running of the charge might lead to accidents if someone, especially a kid or a pet, unknowingly touches it.

Always store the charger and the batteries in the LI-PO safe charging bag or a fire-proof bag.

5. Last but Not Least – Storing the Spare Parts

Sometimes, a vape kit has many spare parts as replacement glass. Keeping them together is crucial so they are readily available at the time of need. Keeping them within the vape kit and putting the equipment in the safest place is better.

Some Crucial Points to Remember for storing the Vape Hardware

  • Always keep the e-liquids in the dark bottle to expand their shelf life. It is better to place the bottle in the refrigerator or a cold and dark place.
  • Buy a vape bag and keep the vape pen, atomizers, tanks, and e-cig in one place to remain safe and handy.
  • Avoid storing the tank in a dehydrated state. Let it have some e-liquid when not used, but restrain from overfilling.
  • Always store the vape hardware out of reach of both children and pets. 

The Bottom Line

Maintaining the vape device is more straightforward than fixing it. So, here are five excellent tips to help you store the vape hardware in optimal condition to enjoy vaping without any disruption. Follow them earnestly to have a fantastic vaping experience every time.

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