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Vaping and popcorn lung

Vaping and popcorn lung

Vaping and popcorn lung connected with each other?

We constantly discuss vaping, but not enough scientific studies are being done. You may see that laws about vaping are continually popping up without any deep research being done before that. There have been many assumptions about vaping in the last recent years. Scientific journal Environmental Health Perspectives made the study that the already known disease “popcorn lung” was present because of hazardous chemicals in many electronic cigarettes in vape pens. They tested more than 50 cigarettes and pens and located something like 47 being harmful and 39 containing diacetyl.

That diacetyl still is their biggest problem; it’s simulating butter flavor, and that’s why the disease got such a name.

Ordinary people call it popcorn lung, but it’s called obliterative bronchiolitis in the medical community. So, what’s the deal with all of that? There were microwave popcorn plants from Glister-Mary Lee in Jasper, Missouri. The first case of such disease was described in the early 1980s but received considerable attention in the early 2000s. In a case, eight factory employees were diagnosed with diacetyl from popcorn. After that case, the local Department of Health of the state of Missouri, with the help of the Institute for occupational safety and Health, start to fix the working conditions in all factories and poor work practices.

Now that you know the story, let’s learn what it is and its symptoms. In other words, this is obstruction of bronchioles. Those sinks are like tiny passageways in your lungs by which air passes the mouse or nose to the air sacs. Popcorn lungs prevent that sound airflow transmission and make inflammation of the airways. Sets were symptoms started; some of them include shortness of breath, dry cough, and even wheezing. Symptoms are very similar to that of obstructive pulmonary disease in chronic form.

Diacetyl, a bit more about it.

Some vaping brands, some vaping-related manufacturers use diacetyl in their flavors. And that fact immediately makes some action for people who protests vaping in any form. You may already know about the laws which make smoking equal to vaping and for sure bringing oil to the fire or in the butter;)

it’s a product of fermentation that gets a specific aroma to the butter, sour cream, and buttermilk. This thing – diacetyl can also be found in candies and wines. You might quickly eat it without any consequences. Still, when you start inhaling it, problems arise, mainly because it is found in fruity vape flavors, Vapes, and electronic cigarettes. That taste usually attracts the youngest customers.

Of course, all vape haters started to ride at this fact. At the beginning of our story, we already thought about the journal that created it. We have already made some of our research and explained how vape flavors are generated in our past articles. And if your child started to vape, you should not worry about it, we sure have some tips for that issue as well.

Vaping and popcorn lung

Popcorn lung and vaping are still under research.

A lot of research is being done already, but some scientists still undermine it. For example, Dr. Farsalinos has viewed just like us on this subject. He did a lot of studies on electronic cigarettes.

He did considerable research with his team, research was done in seven countries, and they tested 36 manufacturers of vaping products and 159 samples. He discovered that more than half of the testing samples had an even lower dose of diacetyl than needed by safety levels. They even compared it with the smoking process and found that the dosage is in the 10 to 100 lower concentration comparison. Anyway, some samples indeed have dosages higher than needed.

Samples with sweet flavors usually have a higher concentration of diacetyl based on the research about it above. He also suggested that the manufacturers of that vaping liquids must take some proper measures without simply stopping the production of whole sweet flavors lines. The entire side of the matter should work together to make it possible. That way, manufacturers will get the prophet medical community will be happy because of safety, and people will be pleased because they taste the safe product. Everyone will be satisfied instead of useless disputes. Many people already know that diacetyl was present in tobacco products long before such research was done. You can check according to the sections on our vape shop. All our products have a meager amount of it like it is needed or do not contain it at all.

Concerned vapers

there is still fear in some vaping communities about this. Most prefer vaping over smoking because it’s not harmful to them, but not many can forgive that diacetyl is present in some liquids for vaping. That’s why manufacturers and many other production companies constantly make tests and even plan to exclude this company entirely from their products. Not every producer can afford such practices because it’s costly. We can for sure say one thing – a high dose of diacetyl leads to popcorn lung if it is inhaled. If you will look only at symptoms without any further status, it’s straightforward to make a mistake in popcorn lung with COPD caused by smoking.

COPD and Popcorn Lung – signs and symptoms.

Of course, it’s sometimes tough to determine the symptoms you must have - COPD or popcorn lung. COPD- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Let’s list a few and start with popcorn lung.

Popcorn lung

  • Rapid breathing
  • Continual irritation of mouth, eyes, skin, and nose from chemicals
  • low-energy
  • dry cough without mucus
  • More breath is needed, especially when you are in some activity.


  • same low-energy
  • With yellow-white or green mucus
  • tightness of chest
  • More breath is required, especially when you are in some exercise.
  • Frequent bronchitis or similar illnesses.
  • Swelling in legs, ankles, and feet
  • mucus buildup during the night, which cause bad feelings every morning

So, as you can see, both of them have very similar symptoms; of course, each one has unique traits which help with diagnoses overall. It does not matter if you’re a smoker of vapor. If you have symptoms similar above, you need a doctor's consultation for further action and to do it right away before the situation worsens. Also, do not try to experiment with your health by yourself.

About diacetyl avoiding

Okay, so the method to avoid this company is to stop smoking. If you are a smoker, you consume much more than an average vaper. If your vaper and you need to be careful with selecting your juices, read and remember and understand that the high amount and long-term exposure link to such illness because of that element. More studies are being done every day that research which amount of diacetyl is safe for anyone – be you a smoker or a vaper. If your home worries too much about conditions, you might consider buying your vaping components without this.

As you may understand, some vaping components are secret formulas for some companies. It’s their moneymaking machine, and they will not list it; everything is in their liquids. However, you already know from our article that some flavors have more significant amounts of these competencies than others, and you might want to avoid them. Such flavors are usually sweetly creamy and fruity. If you still love such flavors and want to continue to use them, then you need to look for companies and brands which make diacetyl-free juices, and such facts should be verified by third-party companies, not by the manufacturer itself. Some companies use things like acetoin instead of it but which can indeed transform right into the diacetyl itself. But many companies are already starting to make diacetyl-free liquids, which are easier to find than ever.

Future regulations and laws about the safety of vape

Vaporizers were intended to be much safer than cigarettes for smoking. While recent studies prove that fact, it was like that in the past few records, there is still room for improvement. In the last 10 years, the smoking industry has been under complete control of the FDA, and various limitations and some quality standards have already been applied. In the next few years, they also plan to limit nicotine levels to something non-addictive, among all other laws. So, companies have something like a few years to prepare for such limitations and prepare their production practices and everything else. If they take care of their customers as a first thing, they will survive no matter what regulations need to be implemented. But they sure already do it daily, and we have all our products complied with the latest regulations. The focusing vaping industry was always vaper health.

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